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July 2, 2015

Your Travel Safety Guide

When you are on vacation, it could mean that you can let your hair down but you also have to consider that this is certainly not a time to let your guard down.

 Wherever you possibly and whatever you may do, it is important that you keep yourself in the safe zone and this is especially critical when you are traveling. Below are a few traveling tips that can help you have peace of mind while enjoying your vacation time.

Make sure to book your hotel or resort way ahead of time. It is best to know all your travel itineraries, destination and lodging details in advance. If it is your first time to travel to that location or you are not familiar with the place, you may want to get detailed descriptions and instructions on how to get there.

This is one way of ensuring that you will not get lost midway. Note that the important numbers that you can call in case you miss or lose your way, this is especially true if you are traveling by car. Directions are very, very important and see to it that you have the right map.

Also ask about your resort’s security measures beforehand. Choose a hotel that has tight security controls and regulations. Ask about the door locks or about their security personnel. It will make you feel better to know that you are in safe hands during your vacation.

Since you are in a new place, you are more vulnerable to criminals that usually keep an eye on and target unsuspecting tourists. Be very wary of people who may pretend to be hotel personnel. It may very well be a felon in disguise.

One thing to remember is to look at their uniforms and IDs. If you are unsure, check with the front desk. Thefts and pickpockets are quite common in hotels and tourist destinations.

To fend off the former, you may want to hang around while housekeeping does their job in keeping your room clean. Otherwise, you make sure that your valuables are safely tucked and hidden out of sight; better yet you may want to take them with you.

Pickpockets usually work with distractions best. Their moves may include bumping into you, asking for the time, spilling something on you or even tripping in front of you, so be wary.

When traveling, it is advisable that you go with a buddy. This way you have someone to look out for you and vice versa. Most hotels and resorts set up parties for their guests and more often than not, you will have a drink or two.

If you should get drunk and wasted, at least you will have someone to carry you back to the hotel room or even watch your back. Drunks are susceptible to theft and date rape. You would not want to be a victim of one or the other.

Make sure that your companion is someone you can trust and who can support you when you get wasted. It would defeat the purpose if both of you are thrashed and done in.

thank you for your precious time reading this article.

God Bless!

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