Your Vacation First Aid Kit

Your vacation supplies must include a first-aid kit. Have it available while traveling and take it with you each time you go walking, hiking, or any activity that takes you away from civilization.

You can use just about any type of container for your first-aid kit. It’s best if the container is lightweight, like plastic, and has a good lid. A handle can be useful also. A small toolbox, lunchbox, fishing tackle box or even kitchen Tupperware would work.

Here is a list of things to consider including in your vacation first-aid kit. This is not a comprehensive list and you may have other items to add.

You should have some sterile gauze with adhesive tape and scissors to cut them. Make sure the scissors are sharp. Also multiple sizes of band-aids. 

Tip: Sanitary napkins are sterile and make good compresses to stop bleeding.To clean cuts and wounds include antibiotic cream, hydrogen peroxide and antiseptic wipes.

Consider including aspirin and acetaminophen, instant cold packs, calamine lotion and hydrocortisone cream.

Also, antacid, insect repellent, motion sickness medication, anti-diarrhea medication, sunscreen, cold and flu tablets If anyone is taking prescription medicine be sure to bring enough for the whole trip.

The first-aid kit is a good place to store a list of emergency numbers along with your medical insurance information.

It’s always a good idea to have a first-aid manual on hand and review it before you leave. This way you will be much more prepared should a situation arise where you need it.

This is a great opportunity for children to learn a little about first-aid so review the manual with them too.

Other miscellaneous items that could be helpful are thermometer, latex gloves, tweezers and flashlight with spare batteries.

Keep your vacation first-aid kit easily accessible at all times but away from small children.

I hope you've enjoy reading this tips thank you and God Bless!
