Personal Security In Overseas Hotels

Do not discuss your business or travel plans in public areas where they may be overheard. Discuss your travel plans and movements during your stay with as few people as possible.

Selecting a hotel room on the third to fifth floor generally will keep you out of reach of criminal activity from the street but still within reach of most fire truck ladders.

Do not entertain strangers in your hotel room. If you feel you must, require them to leave a valid ID card with hotel security or the front desk.

Be alert to overly friendly locals who may have criminal intentions. They may offer to take you to a “special” restaurant. Their ruse may be to offer drugged refreshments.

Never leave valuables in your hotel room exposed or unattended, even in a locked suitcase.

Place valuables–money, jewelry, airplane tickets, credit cards, and passport–in a hotel safe deposit box or room safe.

Familiarize yourself with escape routes in case of fire or other catastrophe.

Use the door chain or bolt lock whenever you are in your room.

Use the door viewer (peephole) before opening the door to visitors.

Do not discuss your room number while standing in the lobby or leave your room key on restaurant or bar tables.

Keep your room neat so you will notice disturbed or missing items quickly.

Secure your laptop to an immovable object using a lock and cable. You can purchase one of these for about $25 online. If you have sensitive files on your laptop, consider removing your hard drive and bringing it with you when you go out.

Carry a business card from the hotel to make it easier to get home in a foreign country where not many taxi drivers speak your language.

Carry a color copy of your Passport wherever you go. Some countries, like Thailand, require you to carry your Passport at all time, but most law enforcement officials will not penalize you for having a copy and going to your hotel room to get the original.

Make sure you know the local phone numbers for police, fire and emergency. Countries like Thailand have tourist police in addition to the regular police and they are trained to speak foreign languages and assist tourists.

Try not to let your credit card get out of sight. It is very easy for someone to skim your card in just a few seconds.

Just because you are on vacation doesn’t mean you should let your guard down. Big cities are big cities everywhere in the world and all big cities have their share of crime.

A little prevention can go a long way in a foreign country and make your vacation a memorable one.

thanks for your precious time reading this security and safety tips article.

God Bless!
